Account management
Please fill in appropriate information properly. The items marked*are compulsory!  Security settings:
Username:  *
Modify password:  * (6 or more characters, including English letters, digits and/or underlines)
Confirm password:  * (Reenter your password)
 Basic information:
Name:  *
Marital status: 
Date of birth:  *
ID card number:  *  (for internal talent identification, never disclosed to the outside)
Place of work:  *
Upload photo: 
 Educational background:
School of graduation:  * 
Highest educational level:  *
Year of graduation: 
Certificate held:   
 Translation background:
language services:  other: *
Number of characters translated:  Unit 10,000 characters *
Service type:  *
Special field of study:  1、 *
Base price:  *
Length of service:  *
Main experiences and names of translated works:
(within 2,000 characters)  
 Contact information:
Tel:  * Mobile phones or fixed-line all can
Other Tel:   Mobile phones or fixed-line all can,optional
QQ number:   
E-mail:  * 
Mailing address: